Wednesday 14 December 2011

A Matter Falling Love

My Dear,
I've No Words Or Letters To Flow
But When Holding The Pen
Just Your Face Comes Through...
In The Battle Of Life,
I Didn't Have Even A Knife
And Since I Had No Option Except
To Go,
I Walked And Walked Until I Met You
To Tell About You There's No Words,
I Think To Stop
But Your Voice Always Comes To Say
Go Forwards,
You Can Reach The Top...
You Might Be Good For Everybody,
But For Me You Were Never A Body
You Might Be One For Many,
But For Me You Are Many
It Isn't A Matter Of Falling In Love,
It Is That Love Is Falling In Me...
I Would Never Call You A Love
Since I Might Loose A Love
And Hate,
Therefore I Called You
My S0Ulmate . . . ♥ ♥

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